My favorite sitcom has returned! : )
That was the hottest dance I’ve seen. Keisha
Did this chick Raquel catch her fiancé f*cking
another b*tch? In her hotel room? At her party?? SMGDH, some people are just
disrespectful as f*ck! ...I love how she embarrassed his a** in front of room
full of people though. I like this chick already! ; )
I don’t blame Val for not coming back to Atlanta.
She was humiliated by the love of her life after she thought it was over when
it really wasn’t. I would feel the same way.
Malcolm is back? His dirty a**! There’s no way I
would have been that calm talking to him over the phone for the first time in 2
weeks after what he did….So Malcolm stories checked out. If you say so, I say
Keisha needs to still keep her eyes open!
April being a club promoter? That’s interesting. I
like that! She’s still in the music business, and doing what she loves so kudos
to you April.
Keisha getting arrested in a night club? I find that
funny. That detective isn’t playing any games with her ass. LOL. He warned her
though. Now she owes $200,000 in back taxes? And she’s being threatened to do
3-5 years in the penitentiary? WHEW! There’s some changes that has to be
adjusted asap! …Now her ex that cheated on her is the only option of staying
out of jail? Just her f*cking luck!
I give Malcolm mad props for coming in and saving
the day for Keisha. That’s what a real man should do. He should always come to
his chick rescue if she’s in any hot water. That’s was an amazing way to come
back after what he did. That was the least he could do.
I like this chick Raquel a lot. She stood up for
herself and what she believed was right. She didn’t revert back to a cheater. Another
This episode was a lot different than what I
expected, but I liked it. This new chick Raquel wasn’t dull like I thought she
would be. I like her a lot.
Until next week you guys….